Useful Quotes


All I ever wanted was for someone to love me... Thank God I finally gave up my search and found Him.

If you're nice, expect niceness.

I can't control my laughter... when it comes to me.

Calm down.
When you do, it gives your heart a chance to rest,
and your mind a chance to think.

Let me take a minute and introduce myself…
I’m lost, lonely, and in need of a savior.

Follow me and stay close, I have the shirt tails of Jesus.

I have no hidden talents that God doesn’t know.

Let's get down to business. You don't like me, I don't like you. We have something in common.

My brain works in short spurts... Catch me while I'm spurting!

Thanks be to God,
who pardoned the things my wife couldn’t forget.

Don't pray for strength, if you do you'll wind up like me, puny.

I hate who I am.  Okay, thats a start.

How to do your job for God’s glory?
Stop complaining for a start!

God is a prayer away; okay, one word, HELP!

The horrible state that you’re in can be changed in an instant…
Let Him take the helm.

I know it hurts a little, but could you forgive me?

Are you really serious? Let me check your BP.

I’ve almost, for lack of reason,
followed my ambitions instead of His.

Let me contribute to the betterment of mankind…
I’ll shut up!

Let your last breath exhale praise!

Remember to be kind, pet people like you do your dog.

Looking back I have two questions: Is it in the past? Why are you looking back?

My hand is tired. How's your mind holding up?

Stop the world a second! Okay, continue.

Life as you know it is over.
Life as you’ve dreamed has just begun.

God is a prayer away. Okay one word, HELP!

Don't worry about tomorrow, unless your tomorrow is without Jesus.

Tomorrow…A reminder
of what today should have been.

Life’s experiences, God’s lessons.

God help me to help others so that they in turn can help you.

When you’ve been through the bad,
later on let’s talk about the goodness of God.

"Go to hell!" If I have to hear that again can you soften it up a bit?

I am unharmed, protected, and safe…
I am locked tightly in the arms of Jesus.

Speak to me clearly,
but in a small still voice.

Help me! On second thought,
you are unequipped.  He is All sufficient.

I know it hurts a little, but could you forgive me?

Be kind, and people will respond back with kindness.

No Parking...
Unless you’re in the Red Zone, Jesus.

In a short note... I love you.

Don't mind me, come back tomorrow when I'm sane.

Whats lacking in your marriage? You!

Don't mind me... I'm in the learning stages of unlearning.

Take time and smell the odors, cause everything else will smell sweeter.

Heaven...  Are you Up for it?

Follow my example... As long as I'm following His.

My dog loves me. My epitaph will read,
"loved by no other than dog."

How can I love them when they tell me
how unloving I am?

I used to have friends.
I got wise, and got a dog.

You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours…
While you’re still scratching mine!

God giveth and taketh away.
For your own good!

God, I forgot what you told me yesterday, so please remind me today.

Those who sleep do no wrong…
Except when they pass up the opportunity to do good.

So what's really up with you, besides your hormone level?

If I write my thoughts, they'll be chemically (ink) imbalanced.

Eternity... a long time to put up with me.

Don’t those fools realize how important I am to them?

The Devil was given the keys of Heaven,
but he chose the dungeons of Hell.

God doesn't want you to be ashamed of who you are. He does want you to be disappointed in who you could be.

You don't need to be famous with God, just faithful.

I’m not special.  Just set apart.

Absent from the body, present somewhere.  Don't take a chance.

I won't give up on you, because God won't give up on me.
He has one thing to ask of you... Believe.
He's my best friend. He makes me realize how much you need Him too.

It's simple math. Don't leave Him out of the equation.

Can you point me in the right direction? I followed the highway called Self, instead of the path called Salvation.
I used to think I had it all figured out... then I met Jesus.

I'm lacking, you're not. Could I borrow some love?

Work:  An endless struggle to prove to your employer
that you’re worthy of a paycheck.

Take it for what it’s worth,
God could care less about your BMW!

Jesus is one thing to me... Everything.

When you find God, you find emptiness apart from Him.

You think you got it bad? Okay, you win.

Let's talk about it. The day after, the day after, the day after, tomorrow.

If you have to kick me when I'm down, do it with enough thrust to put me on my feet!

Beer...  Man’s way of diverting his attention to himself!

Stop annoying me! Just be me.

We all have to die.
Why not do it with Jesus?

You don't know me. When you figure it out keep it to yourself.

Could someone shut the door? I'm reminded there's a world out there.

Some people write books. I happen to write short stories in a phrase or two.

The sun rises and the sun sets... Life is somewhere in between.

Take my life Lord!

Forget trying to please everyone. Please God and everything will fall into place.

God is good, you are not, so let Him fill you.

The next time you're feeling sorry for yourself, take a moment and reflect on the cross.

Stop fighting against the wind.
Spread your wings and fly!

Out of the heart the mouth speaketh...
Speak well.

He is my driving force. When will I give Him the steering wheel?
I love Him because He sees something in me that the world misses.

Give a minute to God,
and He’ll give eternity to you.

God intended on just He and I... How did It and That get into the picture?

I want to say it all in a short message…
God loves you!

I try to do what’s Right,
but Right reminds me that I’ll never measure up.

There’s a thick membrane that separates you from God…
It’s called self.

Don't stop me, I'm on a stroll.

Its a slippery way.  Keep your feet
grounded on the Rock, Jesus.

Give up Trivial Pursuit, and take on Risk.

I have no more to say about anything, except...

Most people want to be loved... Are you willing?

The Rapture could occur at any time. Maybe as I...
Before the flood man lived 1,000 years. 1,000 years to repeat what you just did in 50.
Any need met without God is without faith.

One word that will cure the world of racism... Jesus.

A flower doesn't ask why... It just opens up and shares it's beauty with the world.

Words... what would this sentence be without them?

I need a quiet retreat away from everything
that disturbs me… See ya!

Remember to be kind.
Pet people like you do your dog.

Take everything Lord,
except what I can give back to you.

My faith should be the only thing I fear man would steal.

I don't wish to hurt you, so could you love me a little less please?

Do you think God made little gods when he created you?

Why try and make sense of a world
lost, and wanting of God, the Creator?

Why are you so bitter? Confess and get on with it.

Bad things are happening all around us. It's horrible when it reaches me.

Why me Lord?

I have been here 50 years.
Will it take another 50 to unlearn everything?

We're made in His image... Can someone please tell me what that's supposed to look like?

God, teach me to hate what is dear to me, and love what is near to thee.

There’s a fine line between right and wrong.
Don’t play hopscotch!

Do you mind stepping aside for a moment,
and let me see your true side?

When you figure out it's Jesus you're lacking tell someone else.

put quote here.

God, give me enough time to heal in others the infirmities I find in myself.

I'm almost done. I just need your help completing this disaster.

I've tried... Now it's time to trust.

When man finally figures out the root of the problem is (I), than (He) will come so much easier.
When you figure out it's Jesus you're lacking, tell someone else.

Maybe I can change them,
by changing me.

God will chase you and pursue you... He will never overtake you.

He's the author of life? Write me into it please.

Follow me and you'll fall into a pit. Follow God and He'll make a bridge.

For lack of no better words,
Jesus saves.

You are excellent!
Apart from God you are frail.

Jesus healed the paralytic. Why can't he deliver me from this problem.

I'm about to go insane. When I'm there will I notice?

To the vegetarian: I have a beef with you!

"Hold on a second!"
Truth is a second longer could be too late.
Seek God now.

God is my friend. I've learned this after years of searching in a friendless world.

You are running out of time. Stop running fool!

Relax, God wants to paint in you a masterpiece. Not a paint by number.

Can someone please stop me before I make a total irreversible mess of my life!

Who are you? Okay, you look familiar. I saw you the last time I was shaving.

The earth is full of mysteries beyond my control.
Please let me control a few?

Take time and smell the odors, because everything else will smell sweeter.

My friends have one thing that sets them apart from the rest... Me!

Before you file a complaint with God, make sure your name is in His rolodex.

When your heart and mind tell you something is right, beat your body unto submission.

I stumbled into a hole too deep to see my way out. God gave me a leg up.

Where can I go from your presence? Where can I run from my reflection?!

Let's share a heartfelt memorable occasion Go somewhere else!

In the latter days, God will speak through men like me,
(without the pride).

I've tried every direction except up.

If God is up there, and I'm down here, the basic problem is distance.

There's a third person sleeping in our bed... my past.

You of all people should know that I'm not like all people?

I'm a friend of God. A close acquaintance wasn't enough.

Help me Jesus!

He can open up your heart... A pair of pruning shears, or a gentle touch. You decide.

Jesus, why can't I express my love for you, without sacrificing my life for them?

Did you ever notice the the things you like
leave you wanting more? Come to the Living Water,
He will satisfy you.